A nostalgic touch for a characteristic farmhouse
Jan Voortman is no stranger to the old craft of brick making. Just like the sons of Joseph Bricks, Jan grew up in a brick-making family. Steenfabriek Smeijers & Voortman was founded in 1922. The factory processed clay into top-quality extruded bricks. In 2005, Jan sold the factory and has enjoyed his well-deserved retirement ever since.
Joseph Bricks was honoured that Jan opted for the Ashley facing brick for his newly constructed home. This impressive project was kicked off in 2019. Jan’s new home would emerge amidst a gorgeous natural environment near an old mill. The surroundings breathe nostalgia and demand a rural-style home.
Architectural firm Reitsema & Partners from Rijssen was hired to provide their expert guidance. The design resulted in a characteristic one-storey farmhouse with a thatched roof and finishes of elegant wooden elements.
The house is located in an open area which exposes it to the elements of nature. This makes the incorporation of a strong, high-quality brick very important. The Ashley is an extruded brick, double-fired in light grey tones. This brick will stand the test of time. From an aesthetic perspective, the remarkable Hilversum-style dimensions make for a highly exclusive look. Furthermore, the combination of the brick and the thatched roof adds a nostalgic touch. The robust earthy colour mix gives the facade a unique identity.
‘Processing is very important. Every brick is different so it is important to get the mix just right for an optimal result. We opted for an anthracite grout colour. It makes for a perfect match with the brick and blends all the colours into a whole. The brick is grouted according to the brush method without butt joints for a clean finish. The joint measures about 5-6 millimetres.
The sight of my home makes me feel warm inside. It looks magnificent. A true source of joy.’